筍と木の芽の味噌漬け Bamboo shoots and Japanese pepper’s buds marinated in Miso
筍:小本約500g 木の芽:30枚 米ぬか:約一握り淡色味噌:350g 酒:大さじ2杯 みりん:大さじ2杯
筍は採取してなるべく早く皮を剥き、米ぬかと 混ぜて 弱火で2時間 水煮します。その後茹で汁に 一夜置き 綺麗に洗います。
1・木の芽の半分 味噌 酒 味醂を混ぜ、味噌床を作ります。 2・筍を 縦に浸けやすい大きさに切り 味噌床に 全てが隠れるように 押し込み、残りの木の芽を 散らし入れます。 3・味噌床の表面を ラップで被い 平皿2枚程の重しを乗せ、半日以上浸けます。 4・食べる分だけ取り出し、味噌を しごき落とし 切り分け、食卓に提供します。 味噌は 煮物に使えます。 5・味噌床から出した物は 冷蔵庫で保存し 3日程で食べ切ります。
Bamboo shoots:About 500g Japanese Pepper’s bud30:30 pieces Rice bran:about a handful light Miso: 350g Sake: 2 tablespoons Mirin: 2 tablespoons
Remove the peel from bamboo shoots as soon as possible after harvest, mixed with rice bran, and boil in water over low heat for 2 hours After that, put it in the boiling juice for a night and wash it cleanly
How to pickle and How to Save in
1. Produce Pickles bed by mixing half of Japanese-Pepper‘s buds, Miso, Sake and Mirin 2. Cut Bamboo shoots into sizes that are easy to pickle vertically, push it in the Miso pickles bed so that whole it is hidden, scatter and add in the remaining Japanese Pepper’s buds 3. Cover the surface of the Miso pickles bed with a wrap. and put about 2 flat plates on the top, and pickle it for more than half a day 4. Take out as much as you eat. remove the Miso by squeezing, cut and divide it, offer it to the table The Miso can be used for simmered dishes 5. Store the Bamboo shoots that took out from the Miso pickles bed in the refrigerator and eat them in 3 days 平成27年(2015年)4月20日
筍と木の芽の塩漬け Bamboo shoots and Japanese pepper’s buds marinated in Salt
筍(米ぬかで茹でた物):約400g 昆布:10g粗 塩:小匙2杯 赤唐辛子:一本
採取してなるべく早く皮を剥き、米糠と混ぜて 弱火で2時間 水煮します。その後茹で汁に一夜置き、綺麗に洗います。
1・筍を拍子木状に切り、昆布を細切りにします。 2・桶に切った筍と 昆布を混ぜ、粗塩 唐辛子を加え、重しを加えて2日程漬けます。 3・食べる分だけ取り出し、水洗いして 塩抜きし、食べやすい大きさに切り 食卓に提供します。 4・少し伸びた筍は 一回の収量が多いので、塩の量を増やし保存期間の延長を図ります。
Bamboo shoots (boiled in rice bran):About 400g Dried seaweed “Konbu”:10g Coarse Salt:2 tablespoons Red-Pepper: one
Remove the peel from Bamboo shoots as soon as possible after harvest, mixed with rice bran, and boil in water over low heat for 2 hours After that, put it in the boiling juice for a night and wash it cleanly
How to pickle and How to Save in
1. Cut the Bamboo shoots into wooden clapper shape and shred the Konbu into pieces 2. Mix Bamboo shoots and Konbu cut into tub, add coarse salt and Red-Pepper “chilli”. Put the weight on it. and pickle it for about two days 3. Take out it as much as you will eat, rinse with water, remove salt, cut it into easy-to-eat pieces, and serve it to the table 4. Bamboo shoots that have grown a little have a large yield once, increase the amount of salt and try to extend the retention period 平成27年(2015年)4月20日