蕨の佃煮は 甘辛い味で、ご飯のおかずにも お酒のおつまみにも 最適です。木灰を使うことで、アクが抜けておいしく食べられます。あく抜きしたワラビを 叩いて細かく刻み 納豆と混ぜたり、細長き切ったあく抜きワラビを おひたしとしたり 汁物の具としたり 油揚げとの煮物にしてしても おいしく食べられます。 Tsukudani “a food boiled in sweetened soy sauce” of “bracken” has a sweet and spicy taste, and is ideal as a side dish of rice and as a snack of sake By using wood ash, you can eliminate bitterness from Warabi, and you can eat deliciously Beat the Warabi eliminated bitterness and chop it into small pieces and mix with Nattou “fermented soybeans”, or cut the Warabi eliminated bitterness into long strips and make Ohitasi “a side dish of boiled seasoned vegetables”, use it as an ingredient in soup dishes, or make Nimono “Boiled dishes” with Abura-age “fried soybean curd”, then you can eat it deliciously
草刈や 庭の木の剪定で得た材料 を完全に白くなるまで 燃やし 灰を採取します。瓶 等に入れて保存すれば 何年も利用できます。雨に当たり 金属成分が 溶出した物は 利用できません。
(写真左上が木灰です) The material obtained by mowing or pruning trees in the garden is burned until completely white and the ash is collected If you put it in a bottle and store it, you can use it for many years The ash that have eluted metal components from rain cannot be used (The upper left of the photo is ash of plants)
ソメイヨシノや ミツバツツジが満開になる頃(吉備高原では4月の中旬ぐらい)、ワラビの枯葉を目安に 新芽を探します。葉が開く前の新芽を 簡単に折れる部位で摘み取ります。 When Flower of Somei-yoshino cherry blossom is scattered and flower of Mituba-Tutuji azalea “Rhododendron dilatatum” is in full bloom (about the middle of April in KibiKogen-tosi), look for new buds using withered leaves as a guide, and pick Warabis which is before the leaves open in a part that breaks easily
2・ワラビを深めの鍋に並べ、ワラビ50g当たり木灰一握りを掛けます。木灰がない場合は 重曹を用います。
4.一晩放置し、ワラビを取りだし 良く洗い、強めに水を絞ります。 1.Boil a lot of water in the kettle 2.Arrange the Warabi in a deep pot, multiply by a handful of wood ash per 50g Warabi If there is no ash, you can use baking soda instead of the ash 3. Soak the whole Warabi with plenty of boiling water It is good to put a drop lid so that the bracken does not float up 4. Leave it overnight, remove the Warabi, wash thoroughly, and squeeze the water strongly
ワラビ(あく抜き前)・150g 醤油・大さじ2 砂糖少々 好みのダシ汁・1カップ(水と顆粒ダシなどでも良い) 料理酒・大さじ2 味醂・大さじ1 ※薄味の分量なので、しっかりした味付けを お好きな方は お好みで 醤油を 追加して下さい。 Warabi(As a weight before removal of astringent taste) 2 tablespoos‘s soy sauce A little sugar 1 cup of favorite Dashi soup(Water and granule dashi may be used) 2 tablespoons Ryouri-syu “cooking Sake” 1 tablespoon Mirin “sweet sake” ※Because it is light seasoning if you like solid seasoning, please add soy sauce as you like
1・ワラビは 3〜4cmぐらいに切る。 2・味醂以外の調味料 だし汁 ワラビを 鍋に入れ 中火で煮る。 3・水分が 1/3位になったら 味醂を加える。(長く炒めすぎると柔らかくなりすぎ、食感が失われます) 4・水分が少なくなり、照りが出てきたら完成です。 .1. Cut the Warabi which was remove the harshness , into 3-4cm slices 2. Put seasonings, Dashi soup and Warabi other than Mirin in a saucepan and boil over medium heat 3. When the moisture reaches about 1/3, add Mirin(If you fry it too long, it will become too soft and lose its texture) 4. When the moisture decreases and the glaze comes out, it is completed 平成27年(2015年)4月22日